
We’re all in this together.

The Business Case for Child Care

  • Absenteeism is EXPENSIVE.

    45% of parents reported that child care breakdowns resulted in chronic absenteeism, causing them to miss an average of 4.3 days every six months.

  • Turnover is EXPENSIVE.

    Employers spend 1.5x-2x the employee’s annual salary on hiring, onboarding, training and development each time an employee churns.

  • Losing caregivers is EXPENSIVE.

    It costs the U.S. economy $650 billion annually when women are forced to leave the workforce due to child care issues.

  • Absenteeism is FIXABLE.

    Employers offering child care benefits report a 30% reduction in employee absences.

  • Turnover is FIXABLE.

    60% of employers offering child care reported a reduction in employee turnover.

  • Losing caregivers is FIXABLE.

    75% of caregivers say better child care would make them more likely to stay with their employer.

Child Care for Today’s Workforce